BNI Southside Gallery

Education Moments


Southside will begin to rotate the education moment among members. Members will be assigned a time during   to present their topic. Each month will be assigned a general topic and sub elements for potential focus areas. Members assigned during that month should discuss how they will present that main topic with other members assigned that month.

Presentation methods can vary greatly during the presentations.

Highlight a pod cast, highlight an article, develop a complete summary or any other method that will help advance information and knowledge about BNI.. There are some outlines in BNI U that are available to use.

Time is limited to 3 minutes, but more time can be allotted if approved by the President to ensure available time is present. This will require advance planning and discussions.



Sub Topics



October BNI Overview

Purpose/ Mission/ Givers Gain/ other values/ BNI overview -size and history, Building Trust

Benefits of BNI

November Power of One





One to ones

Why important

How tabulated

Where to find them in BNI connect


December Visitors

Importance of Visitors

Where to find Visitos

How to ask the them

How to ensure they  come to a meeting

Where and how to record

January Referral

What make a good referral?

How to identify what referrals are needed

How to followup on referrals

Where and how to record


February CEUs

What makes a CEU

Why are they important?

How to use BNI university/

Where and how to record them?

March One -to-ones

What are they? and how to prepare?

What to discuss during a 1-2-1

How they can lead to a referral 

April Power Teams

 What are they and and why are they improtant.

Giving referrals to power team.

How one referral can generate more referrals

Give example of linked referrals

May Passport to success

What is it?

How can we utilize it?

Modern safety management session

June  BNI Commitments

 What does BNI commit to?

What Do members commit to?

What happens if committments are not achieved

Power of an engaged team


July Roles of Officers


Vice President

Mentor Coordinator

Membership Committee

Visitor Host

Growth Coordinator


August 10 Minute presention

Goals and objectives

Planning methods

Presentation methods

Getting referrals


September 60 seconds

Goals and objectives

What makes an effective 60 seconds

What is an ask? and Why is it important?

Examples of good and bad.




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